Another Mother's Hoverboard

Monday, March 30, 2009


Freeing oneself from desires
getting to the core of the self
only to find there is no such thing
and looking back outward
actually able to *see* the
relationships as webs slung
in all directions, a beautiful mess
of connection and hope and ultimacy
and this is who i am-ness.

Perception marries perspective and
give birth to total awareness.
It is my life that i live. mine.
yet, it would be value-less without
the lives of all others.

They nourish me, and I them.
We shall give back and forth forever
giving life ultimate meaning and purpose
and it is in this sense,
that the true self as anything separate
and apart from all else,
becomes a laughable concept.

Laugh! We are all alive:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

verge of spring haiku

springtime comes on slow
thawing out and growing new
all of us, the same.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

winter woes wafting away...

yes, i am merely sitting on the couch. that's all. yet, the window is open. and i hear things outside. i hear the airplanes overhead in the distance. i hear the loud unstable rumble of the neighbor's truck pass by the house. i hear a child call, "throw it to ME. throw it to ME!". i hear footsteps. louder. wet with mud and melting snow. then they pass by quickly. a dog walker. of course. and oh my goodness, this is GLORIOUS.

i took a walk this morning with my daughter and a friend. we met halfway and then off we went. simply following wherever our FEET took us. and it was brisk. and it was thoughtful chatter. and it was perfect. it was joyful. and it was zen. this brings about a feeling of being connected to a neighborhood. a person. a group of people. a family.

this deep sense of connection to self is satisfying to the soul.

bring on the sunshine.
