Another Mother's Hoverboard

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Is is Friday?

Ezra does (or says?) something profoundly stupid. Me, deliriously fed up and tired from late night of softball/post game drinking responds:

Me: Wow, Ezra that was not so bright. Sometimes, I wonder how you can be SO NOT BRIGHT. (horrible right? horrible things I say when tired, and overworked).

Ezra: I think you are NOT BRIGHT TOO!

Me: Oh yah? I am so am as a bright as a shooting star (which I later think are really sort of faded, if anything at all...thus, illustrating HIS point...jeesh)...

Ezra (getting more angry): NO! YOU ARE AS DARK AS A POOP COMING OUT OF YOUR BUTT!"

Me: Wow. Now that was clever. Bright, even! Conversation: OVER.