my daughter talks funny
so, i fully respect you Karma. dearly. i believe in you, and fear you. no, i don't have fear. but i do wonder how you know me SO well. anyway, it is quite clear dear karma, that you have delivered me not a daughter, no. you have delivered me a mini-meghan. the meghan, i refer to is my sister, 15 months younger than me. yes, conceived, before i could crawl or sprout teeth. she encroached on my babyhood, and i fully resented it.
evidence of this can be viewed in a variety of old curled at the edges yellowing photos where only her legs can be seen, as i am sitting on top of the rest of her rancid little baby body, smiling brightly. let's face the facts here, the bitch, was tryin to steal my spotlight, and i was the mean one? (and if i truly was so horrible, why was my mother snapping 'adorable' photos, and not rescuing the newborn?)
...anyway i spent my life torturing her in all ways wrong and hurtful. my attacks contained pretty much anything that she absolutely could NOT change about herself. yes, those were things i belittled her for. example, not being endowed with a cute lil nose like moi, i apparently (she remembers this far more vividly than me) felt the need to tell her-in case she'd never noticed-that, "wow, your nose is so strange, it looks like someone hucked it from a really far distance and it just LANDED SPLAT on your face!"...that's how she retells it, which garners all sorts of eyebrows raised, "wow, you were awful" hurled at ME...and "you poor thing" drizzled all over her...and of course, she loves it. wah, wah, get over it, i think. and anyway, if we are going to go into detail i remember it being MORE like, "your face exploded and all the parts got tossed up in the air and that's how your nose landed"...potatoes, poTAHtoes.
and of course there were many MANY more examples of my unabashed older sister CRUELTy that i spilled onto her innocent little (chubby) self as a child...drowning her in pain and of my favorite teasings, had to do with the way in which Meghan spoke. Meghan had a way of not quite pronouncing her R's...sure, we live in Boston, but this was simply a speech impediment. She was also dirty always. Had messy crazy hair, and liked to day dream and sing to herself. She would tell me she was lookin at the "bords in the sky"....oh was I awful. Everything she said. She couldn't have been WRONGER in my mind. In every way.
Now, I am mother to a new, small version of HER. I have been chosen to mother this girl that embodies most every quality of the sister I looked at as silly and dumb. And it is my lesson to learn how to see these traits as endearing and sweet. Oh Karma, you crafty little wench. Oh how you have certainly had the last laugh. Not a day goes by, where my husband and I do not look at each other and say, "And yet another reason for which she is Meghan..."
This morning while watching Sunrise Earth, an un-narrated nature show that documents a gorgeous sunrise from a new place each day..."Awright, I alweddy KNOW what Bords look like, now GET to the GOOD STUFF!"
Oh, did I mention she's insanely funny. Um, just like my sister...?
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