attempts at alone time
1. lone bathroom occupied by husband showering.
2. my "coffee stomach" is at wit's end
3. announce loudly, for husband's benefit, that toilet services would be helpful...however, actually state, "I REAAALLLLY HAVE TO POOOOOOOOOP"
4. son responds, "must you tell the world, mom? it doesn't need to be an ANNOUNCEMENT..." then he scoffs and actually rolls his eyes. 6 years old.
5. day rumbles on...take off to computer for a few minutes of solace. the two children home, find me. drats.
6. i proceed in my email reading and attempt to pretend they are not there. almost 2 year old decides to lay on my feet. meh. i can deal with that.
7. 6 and half year old draws next to me... perfect.
8. until..."doinga doinga boinga...doinga doinga boinga...doinga doinga boinga".
9. said approximately 3 THOUSAND times. super fun.
10. trick sister on Instant Messenger that i am prego. aprils fool's joke. she falls hard.
11. oh yah.
12. "shinga minga linga. dinga winga hinga"
13. who is this child? how is he related to me?
14. more of day rumbles by...laundry put away, tidying done. dishes dried.
15. sneak off up here to write this.
16. son begs me to "Get off the stinkin computer! You are WASTING our TIME!"
17. um, WHAAA?
18. yeah.
19. that's my life.
20. i love it always. shinga linga.
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