Another Mother's Hoverboard

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

stuff to get down. so it won't consume me.

Things that bother me:

-dry hands, and mine are perpetually dry, seeing as we have not installed our dishwasher, so i AM um, the DISHWASHEr. ugh.

-when my kids or anyone for that matter, push the area rug's edges up and sorta play with it, all folded up like that. I wanna choke someone. LEAVE IT ALONE.

-when girls where baseball hats, around here they are usually Red Sox hats, and they don't fit on their heads properly. It makes me want to go over and push it DOWN. Like PUT IT ON, already. It is just propped their stupidly, almost by accident. Hate. it.

-when i ignore a phone call, and caller calls my cell. then my house again. and when i finally connect with caller they give me SHIT for 'not ever answering when they call'. OH. MY. God. Is it honestly my JOB to be there whenever the fuck ANYONE wants to talk? Most people think so. It makes me wanna scream.

-watching people write on a blackboard. it makes my nipples hard. really. not in a good way either. hate it.

-when i let someone go at a intersection or such, and they don't wave 'thank you' to me. I know dane cook makes fun of people who do this, but i appreciate it. it's nice. when people don't do it, it makes me sad. i mean, i don't do it JUST FOR the wave, but it would be nice to 'share a moment'. oh well. *tear*

-greasy hair. on anyone. no, SOME people who are super cool, can rock it. most can't. take a shower.

-foam at the corners of people's mouths.

-germaphobic parents i have to encounter while being a mom. they make me feel like i have to be like them. i don't wanna be that way.

-waking up before my alarm clock.

-walking into the cd/book store and all of a sudden forgetting EVERY SINGLE cd/book that i have been thinking i NEED to have for a really long time. gone. from my mind. i walk out absolutely HATING myself. happens every time. mostly.

-when people pinch my sides. it's where i carry some extra stuff. in the belly and on the sides of said belly. please, STOP reminding me it's there. it's not cute. leave it be.

that's good for now.


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