Another Mother's Hoverboard

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

authentic sadness.

the shock is thick
i clear my throat
choking on the words seems
quite plausible:
he died.
the words that really,
should not be all

that surprising, as in:
it will happen to all of us.

it's just that when it does,
and when the news is told to us,
the world closes in tight,
suffocating us

and for a moment everything stops
and it is only that person whom we
can think of, their final exit
and it's as if they,
themselves might be gripping
you tightly around the shoulders,
supporting your weight, as you
see them off. they hold you,
in case the awe of it all, may be just too much.
it is the only sure thing we know of in this
that we MUST leave it.
and we fall to pieces
just the same.
rip brandon.


Blogger Travel Girl said...

wow, your poetry is very, very moving. i didn't realize you kept a blog until i clicked on your name in my comments and saw there was an actual link!

your poems remind me of how much i loved to write poetry senior year of high school and early in college. i don't know why i stopped. life got in the way, i suppose? snarky, rambling blog posts took their place?

i just wanted to comment...rambling as always!

8:34 PM  

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