Another Mother's Hoverboard

Monday, December 19, 2005


stale elder breath
spoils down on his
minty exhalations
which he pours like
sand...weightless and
infinite, it cleanses

a sound!
it's a sudden pucker
of his lips
and then a movement
toward her with
lips: two wax molds
of perfection and potential

wax that burns and dwells in the
chaotic curls that
it creates for itself
and then avoids
upon destruction

a moment is recalled:
an 18 block construction;
a tower

a new record!

excitement and awe
consume and inspire
the team

and in a moment of
pure zen with a moment
of fire in his eyes
he slashes
at it...

9/11 terrorists
crashing in horror

in his karate chop to
his own beloved work

he BURSTS into
tears..abhorred at
the reality of himself
his actions

he has truly
become the goddess
of creation and

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