it's weird to think that i am putting jackets and hats and mittens on little bodies and heads and does feel like just yesterday i was sleeveless and running out the door to take the three kids for a walk around town...and now, snow. everywhere. trapped inside. going stir crazy...and christmas. oh how i love thee...but oh what a challenge. TO STAY SANE. to keep it real. to teach my children the story of christmas (so they at least KNOW it, even if we don't believe in all of it). to teach my children the fun and mystery of santa, while laying the foundation for what it really all means: FAMILY. and we got lots of that. and lots of's hard. but a good kind of hard. a challenge i look forward to tackling little by little EACH that they have fun and treasured memories, while also a clearer picture of the ins and outs of such a day...yay...and then once this day has come and gone THIS YEAR, we shall move. ugh. but it is a means to an end this time. we will NOT be moving in with parents forever. we are doing it SO THAT we can own. SOON. the details are still negotiable. but it's a huge fire under our huge asses...hehehehe

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