Another Mother's Hoverboard

Thursday, March 10, 2005


she is 83 and i know
that is old.

but she is my nanie
and in all the years
that i have been alive
she has always seemed
EXACTLY the same
to me

she never seemed
to get any older
or slower
(though of course maybe
she did,
i simply never noticed)

there is a presence
in nanie of someone
SO magnificient
and strong

yet she is so centered

i love her

my memories
of her.

the times she'd
care for my siblings
and i
we watched jeopardy
while she knitted
or quilted
always asking for help
with the tv remote

her distinctive
that always
took people
herself included.

as if joy

driving with her,
she'd play games
with the accelerator
seeing if we could
cruise home without
her touching
the gas pedal

we didn't make
it home that way,
she eventually
gave in when
we were practically

i still smile
at that thought,
like it happened

she has had a turn
after a major surgery

she needs to cruise
she needs OUR strength
she will be fine

whether she makes
it home
or not.

she will be.


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